Time Required: 3 days
Difficulty: Easy

Brothers Andrew and Kevin set out to create the Ultimate Breakfast Bar: a homemade maple syrup evaporator for boiling down sap that, in true Brojects fashion, is more than meets the eye.

Project Steps

Step 8

While the syrup is filtering away and the evaporator still hot, we quickly switched out the steam trays for grill grates… and instantly, we had a breakfast machine.

Enjoy the sweet rewards from all your hard work and if there’s some syrup left, share it with your friends or family — they’ll love it and love you for it!


The Ultimate Projects Guide

The individuals featured in this website are not professional builders and the build of the projects featured in this website are intended to be for your entertainment only. Nothing in this website should be construed as construction/building advice. Check your local building/safety codes and consult with a professional before starting any building project.