Time Required: Three days
Difficulty: Expert

The chilly weather at their lakeside cottage property has brothers Andrew and Kevin opening their minds and their pores to the ceremony of sweat that is the sauna. But knowing the bros, it’s not just going to be any old sauna – not when Andrew insists that the key to a truly amazing sauna is the ability to jump from the heat directly into the cold lake. They conclude that the only sensible thing to do is to make a sauna with immediate access to the deepest, coldest parts of the lake – the Ultimate Floating Sauna.

Project Steps

Step 1

For our floating sauna we’re going to start by attaching two sections of floating dock, leaving a gap in the middle. Into the gap, we’ll lay joists and planks to make up the floor. Inside, we’ll add seating and a wood stove with sauna rocks on top for heat retention. We’ll build a changeroom in the back with a curtain for privacy. Around front will be two large doors that fold open completely as a quick heat dump. As a bonus feature, we’ll add a trap door so we can take a quick dip in the lake for that hot/cold effect.


The Ultimate Projects Guide

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